Oswald Osaretin Guobadia got into tech at a time when most people, in his words, were “self-taught” in the then-budding tech ecosystem. His undergraduate degree was in biology, and he was on his way to getting a master’s degree in the field when his plans changed. This happened in 1997: he took up a summer job as an Information Technology Project Analyst with wealth manager, Credit Suisse. At the company, he worked with the infrastructure team to set up the bank’s cabling infrastructure and integrate its internal technology systems with external IT systems. His interest now arrested by tech, Guobadia decided to earn his master’s in telecommunications and computer science.
After almost a decade working in the US, including at Goldman Sachs, he returned to Nigeria in 2005, to join the United Bank of Africa as principal manager, enterprise networks. In this role, he standardised and improved the security of the bank’s networks.
Today, Guobadia has moved from being…