The latest Mobile Gender Gap Report published by the GSMA has found that over 800 million women will need to adopt mobile internet in order to close the digital gender gap by 2030 across low- and middle-income countries (LMICs),
The latest figures indicate that the gulf between the numbers of men and women using mobile internet will not be closed without an enhanced effort by a broad range of stakeholders. Progress in reducing the mobile internet gender gap remains stalled, with women in LMICs 19% less likely than men to use it, equating to around 310 million fewer women than men.
“Mobile phones are the primary, and often only, source of internet access in LMICs, particularly in rural communities, so it’s alarming to see women’s digital inclusion slow for the second year in a row,” said Mats Granryd, Director General of the GSMA. “Greater collaboration across all stakeholders in the digital community, from governments to operators, NGOs to internet…