Bose and Razer smart glasses are silly, but I still believe they have potential

by Digital Brainiacs
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Opinion post by
Adam Birney

As I walk into the office rocking a pair of Bose Frames Tempo with music blasting behind my ears, my co-workers snicker, shake their heads, or straight up ask me, “What the heck are you wearing?” If I had walked in wearing wireless earbuds or headphones, no one would have batted an eye. But why do smart glasses provoke such different reactions? Even in public, where people may be too polite to say anything, they tend to attract stares and smirks.

Well, besides the apparent assault on fashion, there are a few reasons why smart glasses have never quite caught on in popularity. Still, I believe smart glasses have the potential to become the go-to gadget in the future. Bear with me as we look at what smart glasses have done wrong in the past and what they could do instead to get it right.

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