A chat with Temitayo Adegoke on solving Africa’s tech talent recruitment challenge with Skillup Africa

by Digital Brainiacs
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Since the past decade, the Nigerian tech ecosystem has grown in leaps and bounds. But finding talent remains a major headache for many startups in the country. For instance, there are about 114,536 developers in Nigeria, a country with 200 million people and an unemployment rate of over 33%.

Ironically, despite how low this figure is, some of the available tech talents are also leaving Nigeria in search of better opportunities, raising fresh concerns about the talent gap in the ecosystem.

The message is clear: getting more people into tech is non-negotiable. This is the founding mission of Skillup Africa, a startup that trains exceptionally talented individuals in globally viable tech skills and helps them kickstart their journey into tech.

Why Skillup Africa?

In an interview with Technext, CEO, Temitayo Adegoke explained that Skillup Africa started as a response to a problem of talent recruitment he faced after setting up his software development company.

Perturbed by the…

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