Rumors and leaks suggest that Apple’s 27-inch iMac is next in line for an M1 Pro upgrade, as the company continues its two-year transition to Apple silicon. Earlier this year, Apple updated its 24-inch iMac with an M1 chip. Recently released Pro-level MacBooks received new M1 Pro and M1 Max chips, and it’s expected that this new iMac will receive the same treatment. The new iMac, which Apple will reportedly release in early 2022, may include features present in the new MacBooks, such as mini-LED screens and ProMotion displays. And speaking of MacBooks… Users of the new M1 Pro/M1 Max MacBooks have reported memory leak issues, with some apps using a lot of RAM. Macworld executive editor Michael Simon and Computerworld executive editor Ken Mingis join Juliet to discuss their experiences with memory leak on their MacBooks, plus how Apple could fix the problem. They also discuss the potential new iMac, including what features it could have that would differentiate it as a Pro-level device.